Monday, March 10, 2014

Reasons to be happy.

- You are unique. There's no-one on the planet quite like you!
 - You are loved --- probably much more than you realize.
- You have the chance to give love to others.
- You still have time to change your life.
- You have the chance to be creative, and experiment with your gifts.
- You can explore your interests and learn new things.
- You have the chance to enjoy the gift of laughter.
- You can experience and enjoy eating, sleeping, friendships, music, the beauty of nature, animals, the scent of flowers, etc.
- Even when today has been a bad day, you get a new start tomorrow -- and can turn a fresh page.
- You can dance, sing, jog, ski, cycle, run a marathon -- or participate in any sports or form of exercise that brings you pleasure.
- You can travel, meet new people, and broaden your perspective on life.
- You can hang out at a lake or you can walk along the beach -- and enjoy skimming stones, and being kid again.
- You can splash in puddles in the rain, or skate on the ice, or throw snowballs at your friends.
- You can choose to make a difference in someone else's life, and brighten their day, and bring a smile to their face.

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